IBPC 2021 Sold Out
We are happy to announce that this year’s IBPC has been sold out completly. We are looking forward to see you in Braunschweig!
We are happy to announce that this year’s IBPC has been sold out completly. We are looking forward to see you in Braunschweig!
The call for abstracts for the IBPC in 2021 has been extended. Contribute to the conference and submit your proposal for a presentation or a poster until June 30th.
The IBPC 2020 was a full success – over 200 participants visited the online conference. With 37 talks, 6 keynotes, and 52 exhibited posters, the IBPC successfully connected experts in …
Dear IBPC interested parties and participants, In consideration of new legal restrictions and the current dynamic increase in infections in Germany, we need to adapt the format of this year’s …